Thursday, September 30, 2010


Need I say more?

Wait. I should probably talk about the chain's mascot "Wieney" the wonderchicken.

Okay... I got it out of my system. Wait. OKay. Now I do....


So did you know that when you type out a blog but don't post it... it's automatically saved? You're welcome for not posting most of them. Oh god. But it's better now than never...

Oh my. I forgot to talk about this as well.

Sooner then later right fans?! *Cough* mom, dad *cough*

I did a fantastic two-series (I know it's not correct but it's my blog and series sounds cooler) dish commercial in Turkey.

I will try and upload the video that the crew made which was AMAZING by the way but here are some pictures. YES it was a long day but the BEST director Divrim Erdogan and his truly fantastic crew made it a great time.

I was a magician who could magically change dining sets on tables. Think "I dream of Genie" style.

Arielle "Magic-hands" Peterson. Wait... you can't nickname yourself?

Story Time! Warning: explicit details

So the travel size packages of kleenex was a delightful reminder of something more or less forgotten from my first period in Barcelona.


but before I get into it. I KNOW you little kiddies are getting giddy over the "explicit details" at the top. That's just because this story deals with drugs and poop.

So there was this wonderful man-bum who lived across the street near that dumpster in the picture. He was a cocaine addicted crazy who was more or less harmless and little fun to watch. He would walk around with his 2 mini packets of kleenex trying to sell them to passing cars who were unfortunate enough to get stuck at the light. He would pace back and forth through the lanes for no apparent reason.

Well one day this man was found in BROAD daylight crouching with his pants down pooping... YES pooping into his own hand and flinging it around the streets. Much like those very distant cousins we like to call monkeys (why is it a y and not ie?) It is a spectacle repulsive to watch yet incredibly fascinating. (graphic) I mean throw in the straining grunting noises and you have something that is a webgem.

I get a giggle over this every-time. I may not be the best story teller but if you think of this at a later time and smile... let me know.

Window Washers

I mentioned talking about this before but I forgot so despite delay this is it.

There are a lot of ways people make money in Turkey... Obviously begging, selling of goods like kleenex tissues (Barcelona story after), baked goods, water and the most fun one to me... window washing.

I know what you're thinking "Hey Arielle... people do that in the USA." or maybe "A practical service because everyone likes a clean car window"

However cleaning isn't the exact words I would use for what they do to the car. In fact between the dirty water and filthy squeegee the car window ends up looking three times worse most of the time.

Which is actually quite genious if you think about it. 1 out of every 10 people would probably pay for a cleaner window.. but 9 out of 10 people will pay you to keep away from their windows if you make them more dirty....

You sneaky non-tax paying SOBs. Kudos to you.

TV Show

I did an episode for a TV News Program that isn't real news but for laughs... it's a lot like America's "Onion"

The episode was based on this TV network in Turkey called "FashionOne" I have NO IDEA who would actually watch this crap but is a 24-7 fashion network that plays runway shows one after the other. The TV show obviously wanted to make fun of it... so "supposedly" the FashionOne network did a survey on who watches their show the most. And in this joke survey apparently this tiny small town where they don't even have cars... at this all men coffee cafe ended up being the most devoted watchers. So in the episode FashionOne to thank their loyal views sent a bunch of models to this town to put on a runway show for them and in the end of the episode it zoomed out on us models partaking in typically man-activities for Turkey like smoking pipes, playing cards etc.

For the job we ended up crowding in a bus for 2 hours to drive to this tiny town in Turkey... we had to film in a men's only coffee cafe which is actually a pretty typical thing for small towns. The place is called Kafve and no women are allowed. We actually had to run 3 blocks to use the bathroom because there is no women's bathrooms in this place. We had to film us walking through the streets with children and chickens running with us... and of course the runway show and finishing it up we played games with the men. I ended up playing backgammon with this 80 year old turkish man who insisted he had to teach me how to play, but with the language barrier it ended up being really silly. Apparently to show you are a strong masculine player you need to slap down the chips as hard as you can and grunt.

I think I need some work.


A very fun Charity shoot for Vogue's "Fashion Night Out"


Some tasty touristy pictures for you eyes.

3D Commercial.

So a while back I did a 3D commercial for an oil company in Russia with my BFFJeff.

I got to work with one of my FAVORITE directors who I did the dishes commercials with. It was so much fun and the crew is absoutely amazing.


My first futbol game as well as VIP seats...

It was amazing.

Funny things:
1. We were sitting with all the futbol player's wives. Somehow the paparazzi thought we were famous too. I've never had so many pictures taken of me for no reason. We got on the TV a couple of times and were even in the newspaper the next day. Silly people don't even realize how unimportant we are.
2. They make you turn in ALL your change while walking through the gates. They have this huge plastic box that you need to dump it all in... apparently there was a problem with fans pelting the players with change when they didn't like how they were playing. However buying something at the concession stand they asked me if I had change instead of a bill to pay for my treats. I narrowed my eyes at them while I debated if it was a test or not to see if I really did obey the rules.
3. It was INCREDIBLY LOUD. The fans were SO into it. Which of course made it so much more fun to yell and scream for no apparent reason. They also lit fires in the stands. I found it intriguing how I couldn't bring in a 25 cent piece but others were allowed flares. Hmmm.

Night out on the Town.

These are a little old but when some of the girls and I explored the night life of Istanbul.

We had some mini adventures including a very public argument between us and the cab driver. And when I say us I mean me.

Good food. Good drinks. Good company.


I did an editorial a little while ago...

Here are some personal favs. WHY can't I ever keep the clothes. Bummer city... population Me.

And the puppy that was on the shoot with me.


I've been thinking about being back in the USA and all the wonderful things that come with it. Cell phone is an item that I don't know what category it should belong with. Being without a cell phone since January has been both and inconvenience and a terrific detachment from the electronic-driven world.

It's incredible how much we rely on our cell phones and how important they become to us.

It's freeing for me to realize that sometimes I CAN be completely alone and unreachable. It's refreshing. However I will say that without a cell phone... it becomes harder to get in touch with people in a timely manner... also I'm not sure what to do with my hands (

This topic made me think of something I find humorous mostly because it's true. Why is it when we call someone and they don't pick up.... we call them again?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hey Arielle. WHY don't you Post Videos?!

My current time with trying to upload a 30mb video with .01mb completed... 824 hours and 42 minutes.

Curse 3rd world internet.

Can you say tasty?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hey Friendly Friends.

I got home on OCT 9th! WOO HOO! I cannot wait. I am WAY too excited.

It's currently 10 pm on Sept 28th which means I have exactly 10 days and 4 hours until I leave :)

Not that I'm counting or anything:

Time until Saturday, 9 October 2010, 02:30:00 (Istanbul time)

10 days
244 hours
14664 minutes
879882 seconds

So I also will let you know my little schedule for that day. 2:30 I have to LEAVE for the airport because I need to be there between 3 and 3:30. 2 hours early for international flight. I will board at 5:30 and land in Amsterdam at 8:45. I will be hanging out.. hopefully sleeping in Amsterdam till about 1:34 pm when I board and at 3:35 pm I will be arriving at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. HELLLO Minnesota. Knowing me and my non ability to do things in advance I will probably not be sleeping the night before my flight. Also I work on the 8th. Sigh. So here's to 48 hours of being away :) See you soon...

Monday, September 27, 2010


Does anyone remember the good old days of 5th grade when Yo-yoing was a cool pastime? I remember I walked the dog with the best of them.

I say we bring those times back. Then I might... I just might have a chance to become kewl again.

Who knows. Stranger things have happened.


Last night was my first experience with the police here.
I have heard some horror stories about people being out and traveling without a passport and thrown in jail etc.

Last night 3 girls from my agency and I got pulled over by the police and searched for our passports with our taxi driver. Luckily the police were quiet nice and let us go without much problem...

The only incident was trying to drive away after all 6 of the policemen had run over to investigate our car and ask all of us if we were single and willing to marry. Haha.

Advice: If you don't carry around your real passport for fear it might get stolen. ALWAYS carry around a copy of your passport!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coco Clementine

The perfect cafe near my house.

Full Car

We have 9 seats in our van. We drive around for about 8 hours a day. It's uncomfortable enough and more then enough people have lost eyes to the battle for... "the front seat"

I feel it's too much to attempt to fit 1 driver plus 13 models in a car.

It also feels a little unsafe. But here's the pictures that don't do it justice.

Pictures: Emily and I sharing the front seat. A blurred picture of the poor back seat people. And Fernando sitting on the floor :) SAY CHEESE!


I did a commercial with my American friend Jeff.

We were advertising for an emergency tire fixing product.

It was fun work and I got to drive a car. FINALLY.

Beware drivers in MN. The roads with get increasingly more dangerous around the date of Oct 9.

Can you tell he's a model?

My Bed.

Some people ask me... Hey Arielle, how do YOU sleep at night.

Yes. It is true I sleep in a bed like most other folks. However my bed has unique features such as metal springs sticking into my back, as well as... in addition to it... it's adjustable.

Thanks to Emily for being a great model...


Did a shoot with my friend Esat a couple weeks ago... Some of the pictures:


My wonderful mother sent me a package from home... Filled with many things I was wishing for and some little extra treats :)

That's my bear in a cow costume and a MN State Fair mug.


Diet. Hungry. Need food.


I'm just saying... I want to make cakes and or cupcakes. VERY SOON.


Hello friends.

It's been a while. SO some updates:

1. I booked my ticket home for Oct 9th. I am EXTREMELY excited. It's time to GO HOME for a bit. It looks like my trips will begin again in January. I'm looking at Greece, Germany, London, South Africa and a few other secret locations. We'll see where we go!

2. I have an AMAZING roomie from the USA... Emily. She's the best. End of story.

3. Turns out modeling requires maintenance on my part so working out and eating right has been on the top of my priority list lately. Bummer.