Sunday, August 25, 2013

"There's a Toenail in my Soup" MY PSA

This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you by Arielle:

If there is one thing in this world I absolutely cannot stand it's personal hygiene in public.

I mean for realz yo. No one wants to see you doing this.

Truthfully I find it shocking that people seem to think it's an okay thing to do. I mean I know everyone (hopefully) partakes in personal hygiene but what happened to keeping things a mystery?
Or even the fact that it's unsanitary.

So here's my rant of things I have seen people doing that I find bizarre and disgusting and hopefully will help me vent out these pent up emotions. Maybe I'm weird but tell me what you think.

Brushing your hair in public - This is what put me over the edge yesterday, and I don't really find hair gross but who carries around a brush in the first place? I mean I like to keep a well stocked purse myself but a hair brush just seems like a whole new level.

Why did this bother me? First of all, it's not like it looks appealing. No one keeps a tranquil look on their face while brushing their hair. It's like putting on mascara with the guppy mouth.
Secondly, I could see, SEE all the hair that she was brushing out while walking around the clothing store, she was shedding everywhere, and it's not like it doesn't happen naturally, believe me I explode hair, but she was doing an act that was spreading it all over on the clothes and on me (walking behind her)
It was like that scene from the ring, people screaming as it started pouring from every orifice on their body. Not really but that's how I saw it in my head.

Flossing of teeth - I've had food stuck in my teeth, we all have. But there is something about a person sitting down for a nice meal and pulling out floss at the end to clean their teeth. AT THE TABLE. No one wants to see it, no one wants to smell it, no one wants to touch your spittle covered hand that's been freeing food from the bowels of your mouth. Ew.

Cleaning Ears - I remember when I was little I ate an earwax flavored jelly bean. Guess what? It was disgusting. Ear wax and food don't mix - Stop doing it in restaurants.

Blowing your nose at the dinner table - Why would you expel a bodily fluid next to someone who is eating. WHY? I get having a cold or when you just have to blow your nose, but when you do it at the dinner table it drives me up the wall.

Putting on nail polish - it stinks, do it at home.

Filing nails - Your nail isn't vanishing, it's being broken down into a smaller thing that's now swirling through the air and into my lungs.

Picking your nose - I honestly shouldn't have to cover this one, we learned it in preschool.

Clipping nails - This is the WORST OFFENSE. YOU HEAR ME? STOP IT. It has happened to me so many times I can't stand it. Clipping your dirty nails while they fly every which way is not okay. It will never be okay and you should get a fine. This has happened on the metro, in a restaurant, next to me on the plane, in a restaurant.... Who the f@&$ thinks this is okay.

I shouldn't have saved the toenail clipping last, now I'm all worked up.

I guess my point is to just be mindful of other people, and just be considerate of those around you.

XO Arielle

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