You'll have to use your imagination kiddos because I wasn't able to take photos of these wonderful and colorful specimens that we call humans acting in this manner but hopefully I'll be able to give you enough description so you can see these vividly.
This trip I saw a woman using an ipad as a phone. Brilliant on so many levels, particularly because she was short and it made her look like a tiny little person. But seriously, why do people use ipads in public, and not as a computer but to take pictures or talk on. Ipads take terrible pictures, and they're just as expensive to buy not even mentioning the fact that they are a burden to carry around. Every time I see someone taking a picture I just want to bat it out of their hands. I refrain for the most part because such action was costing me a pretty penny, but just stop. Please.
I ran into the national Slovakian youth basketball team, and Lord, I have never seen such gangly awkwardly tall kids as I did that day. I swear not one of them was under 7 feet tall. They were standing in line behind me and being a valley of normalcy surrounded by mountains of sweaty hormones was a new experience to say the least.
The smoking chambers inside the airport were hilarious. They didn't smell, I read that they use some sort of ozone air cleaning technology which was nice for passerby's but the fact that you saw them packed full of people all gulping down nicotine was disgusting. They were so small I thought that they were phone booths at first, which lead me to wonder why so many people needed to make phone calls at the same time.
Lastly was after I had disembarked from the airplane on the way to get a taxi. Visual treats over with right? Wrong.
The Barcelona airport has these long ramps that function like a moving walk way/escalator. I myself had had troubles with a heavy bag with 4 wheels and keeping it up.

I tried to stop it, when it started to happen I made a sound, no words because there didn't seem to be time for words, but I made a noise along the lines of "Ennngggghhhh" Which if I was to interpret my feelings sounded more like "Be careful people below! This woman's bags are about to tackle you! I'm trying to assist you".
Having landed in a giant heap at the bottom of this ramp I did find out if the woman was okay. She was one of those people however that if they had mistakenly cut off their arm would try and pretend everything was alright. She was walking without a limp when I left her.
I know a lot of people hate traveling, but the people watching has only be rivaled by Jury Duty thus far in my life. People are so weird, I am too so it's not like I'm judging. I do wonder where these people reside in everyday life. It's like they live in a cave and only surface to travel or to serve on Jury Duty.
Also I don't know why I capitalized Jury Duty, it seems like the proper thing to do, but who am I to say?
xo Love from BCN
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