Friday, August 30, 2013

Just something

I'm a really blessed person and I have a lot of wonderful people in my life to thank for that.

Yesterday I had a really hard day. I had to get up at 5 am to make it to my job on time after a night I didn't sleep at all, I was super sick, dealing with lady issues and I had to spend the first 2 hours of my day transporting to the job plus I was out of coffee.

I was in a bad mood, not that I let it show (because I am always professional on the job) but I knew I wasn't being my usual self. That's something that I really hate, because I like being happy and in a good mood, I like being cheerful, friendly and making people laugh. Sometimes though you just have one of those days. And that day felt like the world was out to get me.

I have never been to a job where they didn't serve food. Maybe I'm just really blessed or my agents put in a note about a certain model that gets crabby when hungry... but either way it's a general expectation I don't really think about. So on top of this crappy day I was having they didn't have food at the job, in fact they asked me if I brought my own lunch. So fast-forward to 3 o'clock when I'm searching in my wallet looking for anything worth value to barter for lunch I came across a fortune stuck in the bottom of my wallet.

I collect fortunes cookie fortunes FYI.

                      It said "Happiness comes when you overcome the most impossible challenge."

And I used that with my day. Happiness is a choice, and honestly it's the harder of the two. You have to put effort, time and be really mindful of everything that's going on around you. Sure I could use the excuse that everything has felt like it's been going wrong for me today, or I could stop and start being mindful of what's around me. Here I am in Barcelona, modeling and I have everything in the world I could ask for. Life is amazing. Sure I could compare to other people and think about the things I don't have or I could realize all the stuff I have going for me. Even if I'm a little sick I'm still alive.

Even though I don't have a clever anecdote for this blog I just wanted to share something special that happened.


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