I remember a time when I was a great speller.
Granted it was in third grade where the most difficult word I encountered was probably 'Together'.*
I still remember getting my confidence bashed in, when in 3rd grade we were talking about 'Compound words' and Mrs. H asked the class if anyone knew a compound word. Excitedly my hand shot up and I yelled out "Together! Get it? To-get-her!". She told me I was wrong...
YES. I am still bitter about that.
*Side note: Rewards for your accomplishments seem to decrease as you get older... I wish I still got treats for something I did, like not peeing in my pants. Well... technically you get the reward of not peeing your pants as a grown-ass person. Point still stands.
**Second side note: Ironically enough I'm listening to "ABC" by the Jackson 5.
ANYWAY. Point being that I think technology has really ruined my ability to spell. I hardly spell anything correct anymore. If I get about 3 letters down of a particular word, my phone will automatically know what I'm saying and type it out completely for me.
I don't do abbr. however (btw if you got that joke you rock)(and that one) and for that I'm pretty proud. In fact, it drives me nutz to see; u, ur, wut, y and/or thx.
Some of them don't even make sense. Wut vs. what is a ONE letter deference? How big in a hurry do you have to be to not be able to take the time to text ONE additional letter!?
I guess I'm ranting because it bugs me that people don't try and use correct grammar or spelling. I think language, especially the English language is just crumbling nowadays. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I don't screw up. But I make an effort to seem intelligent or at least educated.... I will probably never be able to spell the words; defiantly, weird or permanent let alone SAY them. But I put in the effort.
On that topic... sometimes I have a stuttering problem. No idea where it comes from.
I have a terrible story about that actually. So I work at The Hanger Room as a bartender/server (Stop by if you haven't) and one day during the week I was serving a table. It was two woman having dinner together who had ordered one glass of wine apiece. When they had finished, I offered them another.Both declined saying that they had to 'Get up early to teach.'
So being a talkative person, and from the area I inquired where she worked. To which she replied "916".
Now if you are from White Bear you know that 916 is 'special education' school. Some of their students are mentally handicapped or have hearing disabilities etc.
But thinking she was referring to another sub-White Bear School called ALC (Area learning center) I meant to say 'I have friends who went there' or something along those lines... No idea.
HOWEVER, in my excitement I blurted out "I went there!" but I happened to also stutter at the same time so I sounded more like "I wh-wh-whaent there!". A little Hellen Keller moment (and that was a politically incorrect moment).
I was so mortified about saying that, I didn't even take it back. I just shut up REAL quick. She looked at me and proceeded to say... "Yes, some people move on to other things"... Defeated, I just nodded and walked away.
Cool Story Hansel.
So... Picture time. I put up two pictures today. One just makes me laugh. It was the inspiration to this post. The second happened today when I was texting a co-worker to come in to relieve me of my bartending post. First text was sent before too many people had come in and I thought it would be funny. Obviously I'm not funny. I KNOW this (still makes me giggle).
Second text was my desperate plea for him to come help. I just thought that exchange was relevant.
Last point: I found an interesting word that I haven't come across in a while: Portmantea - which is a blending of two words like spork or smog.
Peace mo-fos.
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