Yesterday I was driving around when suddenly I sensed there was something wrong in my car. Something seriously wrong in close proximity to my being. Call it instinct... it took me
a moment to realize that I was sweating. My HEAT WAS WORKING AGAIN....
R u serious car? I was like WHHHAAAATTTT?!?! And then I did a celebration dance... after I turned down my thermostat of course. Identify the issue. Correct that sh*t.
In fact I just got my heat fixed in my car. WOW. Luxury at it's finest. Watch out world... Arielle is rollin' round REAL fancy like.
On as serious note as I can make: I've come to the realization that your car really does say something about you. My '99 Ford Taurus is not my dream car (believe it or not) but with 60k miles on it, new tires and having never had a car problem (before this heat debacle)... it makes sense. My car says something along the lines of: I wish to achieve more but from a practical standpoint I'm going to run this b*tch into the ground.
I admire new cars, I like fast cars and I worship old cars.
If I was to pick my dream car I'm thinking a small SUV, heated seats, automatic car starter and a flux capacitor. We can all dream eh?
I'm not sure what it is about this season that gets me... is it the blanket of calming snow on the ground? The screams of merriment tearing away from children as they have their first snowball fight? Or the fact that in Minnesota when it snows ONE CENTIMETER all of a sudden chaos ensues on the road.
I mean SERIOUSLY people. We've all lived in the god forsaken state most of our lives. There is a way to park and it does not consist of doing whatever you want. Just because your car is there does not suddenly make it a parking spot. Be considerate.
I'm a cautious driver. Aggressively passive aggressive is my style (how Minnesotan of me) but to the man with the giant for explorer with 4 wheel drive... going 15 in a 40 mph area. COME ON.
I just want to scream sometimes. Road rage? Perhaps. Warranted? Most defiantly.
The picture of the giant white SUV made me laugh. That's a statement piece at its finest. The man that owned that? 5'2 at best... sun tanned like a 70 year old retired woman in Arizona, spiked black hair with enough gel to last 2 months and ED HARDY scrawled across his tribal tattoo laden arms. I am trying to be more visual with my descriptions. Not saying that we should support stereotypes but they are there for cases like this.
And on the note I'm out.
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