3 weeks till swimming...
Updates: 3 Jobs next week so very busy! Including one for Hong Kong! Big time. Possibility of going to Madrid for Easter... and agents talking about going to Greece for a couple months coming up... Let's keep out fingers crossed for that :)
Other news... walked around for about 7 hours yesterday, feet and legs dying. Ate at an amazing mexican restaurant today... more on different post. Went to the best bar in Barcelona called Dow Jones... that will need an entire editorial about how awesome it is.... And the women who lives below my window bought a new chicken for her chicken coup... yes you read right, and if they weren't noisy enough this new animal is the most obnoxious creature on the face of the Earth. Seriously.... and he fights with the dog next door. And all day they go back and forth playing the game "Who can ruin the neighborhood the fastest". I think the woman did it on purpose because she wants a better apartment and aside from killing someone this is the only way to get rid of a person... This stupid chicken will not shut up. I'm trying to figure out with google how to solve this problem. Any ideas?
Picture: Boardwalk.
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