Today was pretty fantastic as far as days go....
First start to my day was meeting Rachel at the gym.... we were there for about 3 hours hanging out in the pool, infrared sauna, turkish spa... oh and there was a little working out too! Haha, we got to try that new Power Plate... which is all the rage for working out now I guess.... it just made me laugh the whole time because it was tickling me, I got glared at because I wasn't taking the 'burn' seriously enough.
After the intense workout we walked around Barcelona and ended up at a street market. Using my amazing bartering skills we got big containers of fruit and some coconut smoothies that were AMAZING for pretty cheap. No pictures but I will be back, yes you delicious coconut smoothie... I will be back for you....
For dinner Rachel and I met Francesco at SOLO pizza and it was AMAZING.... spicy sausage pizza and tiramisu :)
Then we decided to go bowling with Mateo and Christina and on the way there
It was the baptism into being truly European and was terrifying.
Francesco kept doing wheelies and speeding up and weaving in and out of traffic.... I was half laughing and half crying from fear the whole time. Ugh. But overall super amazing and I had a blast especially because I didn't die I can say that....
Bowling was great too.... We had a wager going on the game... whoever won got whatever they decided.
Francesco's choice was us spending a Saturday dressed up in ridiculous uniforms passing out flyers for Solo Pizza.
Rachel and I decided that we would get to go to Tarragon to the HUGE amusement park there for the ENTIRE day and get whatever we want there...
It was an extremely tense game.... I was winning the WHOLE time with 3 strikes and 2 spares I thought I was unstoppable... but then tragically during the last couple frames Francesco came through with 2 back to back strikes and a spare which KILLED me... however during frame 10 I had the opportunity to win. First try... STRIKE! Second try 6! Oh no!!!! and third ball.... I thought I could pummel the 4 stupid pins clustered into the middle and I tripped and got a gutter ball.
So Rachel and I lost and will be handing out fliers 2 Saturdays from now. Feel free to stop by and laugh at me :(
Pictures: 1. If you don't have converse... you aren't one of us. 2. Bowling ally.... little blurry (clearly taken after all the beer) 3. Estrella beer... the 'Coors' of the spanish world...