Ugly Sweaters. The Hipster's new fake glasses.
Tis the season and I absolutely adore it, however I think it's important to remember that some people actually wear these bundles of joy in all seriousness. Do they think that this fashion statement of yesteryear is returning? Or do they know that it's a mocking trend?
This point was brought to my attention when I was attending the comedy club yesterday....
I have never nor will ever claim to be the most graceful of people. I've done my fair share of tripping down stairs and stumbling over my own feet, but last night I realized an important life lesson.
A woman in an over packed comedy club face planted behind me. As many others surrounding me; I jumped up to rescue this poor woman. (Anyone notice that when people stop laughing at you falling and start acting concerned that you have become old ? - Or at least older)
But she springily jumped to her feet and that's when I noticed "The Sweater".
A greying woman in her mid-50s was wearing a sweater that even Bill Crosby wouldn't touch...
And the point was brought to my attention, that when you wear flamboyant clothing and do something stupid it's a lot more memorable then if you were dressed normal. More then one whispered "sweater" was said and when she swaggered in again shame-faced, all heads turned to see "The Sweater" try to inconspicuously take her seat again.
Every. One. Noticed.
I saw her after the show. People came up to express their concern... Minnesota Nice? Or was is a feeble attempt to see such a hideously knit piece of clothing up close...
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