So there are flies here. And sometimes they get into the house. And sometimes people feel it's necessary to get rid of them.
Home made flame throwers are not the answer.
In the guy's apartment a certain male model who will not be named decided to make a fly killing machine by lighting a rolled up newspaper on fire and holding it in front of an aerosol can while spraying it at the flies.
When being yelled at for using a less then effective and highly dangerous method to remove the flies quote:
"If I flame then they will fly away to tell their friends not to return"
Summary: Stereotypes often more accurate then we want to believe.
It took me several minutes to catch my breath after reading this. HAha! So random to stumble upon your blog but I am so happy to have re-lived that memory. I must say you nailed the explanation. If I were to be flamed I would definitely tell my friends.