There's a lot of fashion out there that is perfectly lovely.
But let's be honest. There are something that exist that just boggle my mind.
Have you heard of the 'Fashion eye patch'...
It exists.
But truthfully this is a positive for me.
I don't know how many of you know this little detail about me but I have a lazy eye. Not to the point where you see it rolling around in my head but the way it works it's about 30 times worse then my other eye.
Go ahead laugh... get it out of your system.
Continuing on. The only way to fix it is to put a patch over my eye. MY mom is for it because she thinks that without doing it my eye is going to fall out of my head.
She never overreacts.
But I just stand by the point I have a hard enough time making friends without having a giant patch over my eye. However now that there is a select group of people who wear it for fashion I could pretend to be among their numbers.
Call me ARRRRRGHHH ielle.
I had to.
Is Heidi Klum wearing that seriously?